Some resources for the new indie author
The following are some of the resources that we have used and recommend. We are not earning anything from recommending these, but have genuinely found them useful. We will try to update these as we find others, but these are a good place to start.
There are clickable links to the various websites:
There are lots of courses out there which claim to help writers, but there are a lot of these which only end up helping the person selling them. We think the best courses are often by successful writers themselves as they are tried and tested methods.Some of the following authors sell courses, but they also provide a huge amount of free support:
- Mark Dawson’s Self Publishing Formula
- Joanna Penn’s The Creative Penn
- Jane Friedman
- The Alliance of Independent Authors
- Bryan Cohen
- Amazon themselves
- Scrivener for writing your book as it really helps with organisation of a big manuscript
- Canva for creating all the visuals you will need
- K-lytics for finding the best Amazon categories for your book
- Vellum for formatting your books
Podcasts are a great way of keeping up to date with the industry and learning and you can listen to them while walking, cleaning and commuting.
- Story Grid Podcast
- Mark Dawson’s Self Publishing Formula
- The Creative Penn Podcast
- The Sell More Books show
There are lots of other resources as you continue your author journey. Do let us know if you have any that you recommend.